How It Works

  • 1. Browse Auctions Explore a wide range of NFT car auctions on our platform. Each listing features detailed information about the car, including images, specifications, and the NFT associated with it.
  • 2. Register & Verify To participate in auctions, register for an account on our platform. Complete the verification process to ensure a secure and transparent bidding environment.
  • 3. Place Your Bid Find the car you’re interested in and place your bid. Our real-time bidding system allows you to see the current highest bid and compete with other bidders.
  • 4. Monitor Your Bids Stay updated with the progress of your bids through notifications and dashboard updates. You can increase your bid at any time before the auction ends.
  • 5. Win the Auction If you have the highest bid when the auction ends, you win! Congratulations on your new NFT car. You will receive a confirmation email with further instructions.
  • 6. Complete the Purchase Finalize your payment through our secure payment gateway. Once the payment is confirmed, the NFT and ownership details will be transferred to you.
  • 7. Receive Your NFT & Car After the transaction is completed, you will receive the NFT in your digital wallet. Arrangements will be made for the physical delivery of the car to your specified location.
  • 8. Enjoy Your New Asset You now own a unique NFT car! Enjoy the benefits of owning a digital and physical asset, with the option to resell it on our platform or any other NFT marketplace in the future.